O little ring, you have cost me a lot, what happiness will you bring to soothe tears flowing hot? I have nothing to give you, on my own I am nought, but my Master’s good wishes I bear as I ought. O little ring, good wishes you bear, tell me His words, His message so fair. I sing of His Heart, It’s every deep care, and you, little Sister, are in It’s depths there: I made you in love, from Love you were formed; to be My delight and, evil be warned, to be My own temple, My haven in rest; My spouse – with the key to My Heart in your breast. For this you were made and for nothing less, to be My beloved and with love to say “yes!” I hear your heart longing and see every tear. When will you come to Me and cast down your fears? Give me all that you are and all that you’re not for I will accept it, even though you cannot. Your sins do not scare Me or weakness offend Me; for great is My Love and infinite Mercy! Only the doubt which clouds your sweet heart can take you away from doing your part. Look not at your Sisters or to any other but give all your cares to Mary, your Mother. My Mother will help you to be a good bride trust her in all things and the devil will hide Thus says my Great Master to you His betrothed upon whom His blessing is forthwith bestowed. O little ring, bright band of pure silver, how can I thank you for the words you deliver? The cost I had counted is not your true worth but only the echo of temporal hurt. Your true value is found in the truth you proclaim: This sinner is loved by the God-Man Who came to die and to rise, and heaven to gain, for His bride in whose heart forever He’ll reign. Written by one of the newly professed Sisters
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December 2024