January always seems to spring upon us! It is far away and then suddenly we are half way through! This is in no small part because all our love, time, and attention goes to preparing to celebrate our dear Savior's birth, a celebration which is extended well into the new year. This year was no different. In fact, it was probably more so, given that our Sisters made vows on December 27, the feast of John the Beloved, in addition to the usual festivities.
"Normal" life in the Chancery - surely much work is getting done! Thanks be to God for retreat Sunday! Having a day set aside once a month to more intentionally foster our union with the Beloved fuels us for our apostolates, and in this case, spiritually prepared us for the great feast and season of Christmas. "And the Word was made Flesh." After all the apostolic activities of December, it was a blessed treat to spend our Octave together pondering this mystery.
The Sisters' First Profession of Vows was a beautiful and heartening beginning to our Octave, but that was shared about in these blog posts already: Are You Nervous Yet? and O Little Ring. Renewing our Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary on Founding Day The close of the Octave was swiftly followed by our 13th Anniversary of Founding on January 4th. We were priviledged to be able to welcome our Bishop for a talk, Mass, and brunch. The professed Sisters formally renewed their vows in the context of the Mass. It was a touching moment for many of the Sisters because, while we renew our vows daily, we have never had the opportunity to do so using the formula we used at our profession of vows.
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December 2024